Case Studies
IT Services - Turnaround
• Appointed to turn around and grow a business with operations in 13 countries, which had been making a loss and shrinking for 16 years.
• Devised and executed a strategy to supply IT services in addition to hardware/software.
• Increased annual revenue from £270 million to £650 million and turned a £19 million loss into a profit - despite charging one-off costs.
• Grew people from 4000 to 6500 in three years and recruited and coached eight new country Managing Directors.
• Led business into the large outsourcing deal sector in Europe, winning a €150m contract with La Caixa and €450m with Allianz.
• Acquired a majority stake in TDS (DAX listed) for $89 million and subsequently appointed its chairman.
Also, appointed as Chairman of a Russian JV and grew its business by 50% p.a. over three years.